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"We LOVE our jobs, we help people thrive!" - Coach Marshall & Coach John


We provide services under the following terms and conditions.  When you visit our web sites (,, and, access, purchase or use any of our information, resources or services, then you accept these terms and conditions.  Please read them carefully.

Proofreading and Accuracy.  When clients request writing services (resumes and letters), clients are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all documents.   Clients must review all documents and notify us of any needed corrections in a timely manner (preferably within 5 business days). If an error is found after a client has approved the draft documents and an updated version is requested by the client, then client may be subject to additional charges.

We are not liable for any injury or damage caused by omissions, false statements, or other inaccuracies.

Job Placement.  We do not perform the function of a professional recruiter or job placement specialist.  No verbal or written promise or guarantee of job placement or employment is made or implied through the use of our information, resources, or services.

Statement of confidentiality. Information shared by the client during the coaching process or the delivery of services shall remain confidential to the extent provided by law.  We will, however, disclose information upon a written request by the client. At the client’s written request, we will contact third parties (i.e. current or former employer, counselor, etc.) for information (such as a previously completed assessment).

Disputes.  Any client dispute arising from the use of our information and resources and the provision of services, shall first be addressed to a qualified mediator.  If resolution is not reached, the dispute shall be subject to binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

Interpretation.  Our Terms and Conditions of Use, and any dispute of any sort that might arise, shall be interpreted and governed according to the applicable laws and regulations of the State of Georgia, as well as the ethical and professional guidelines of the National Career Development Association, the Center for Credentialing and Education Inc., and the International Coach Federation.


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